based on inner spaces awareness.
A self inquiry to question your patterns,
and aspire to open unique bodily qualities


what enters the mind enters the body

you are not your energies

choose what to loose

live in Circles

empathy is in the air

what enters the mind enters the body 〜 you are not your energies 〜 choose what to loose 〜 live in Circles 〜 empathy is in the air 〜

The Practice reshapes every aspect of my life, I share Yoga and Pranayama with the intention to teach different potentials of the body: physical, energetic, sensory and elemental.

A space to heal and recenter the body-mind connection, navigating the nervous system between emotional release and restorative states. The dynamic flow is supported by long holds and energetic salutations, while the restorative journey dedicates time to self inquiry and visualisation. The focus of the practice is cultivating aspiration, commitment and openness.